Tuesday, April 29, 2008

*Reefs in Akumal*

Hello visitors! =)

Well, most of the poeple think that Coral is not in danger of extinction or worst, they just do not care about it. But Reefs are very important for the sea life. The coral reefs at Akumal are showing serious signs of degradation. Fortunately, in 1994 CEA and Cornell University’s Center for the Environment began a long-term monitoring program at Akumal to provide baseline data of Akumal’s coral reefs.

From the literature the folowing pressures emerge as the leading causes of coral reef damage and death the world over. Hurricanes and tropical storms are naturally occurring phenomena and up until very recently the coral reefs appeared to recover from most damage by storms. Terrestrial sedimentation does not appear to be a problem here at Akumal, if the clarity of the groundwater when it enters the sea is any indication.

  • Some Important facts about our coral reefs
    · The corals are fragile animals.
    · Coral reefs are millions of years old.
    · Corals grow very slowly, some no more than 1-2 cm. per year.
    · Coral reefs grow in clear, nutrient-free, tropical waters.
    · The coral reefs act as natural barriers along the coast protecting it from erosion and storms.
    · The coral reef is the principal habitat and nursery for more than 2,500 species of fish and other animals.
    · The coral reefs of the Méxican Caribbean are part of the second longest barrier reef in the world, more than 500 kilometers long.

  • Ways you can help preserve our coral reefs:
    · Please take only your memories and not anything dead or alive from the sea.
    · A touch, a step, or a kick with your fins will damage and may kill the corals.
    · Kicking sand with your fins near the corals may cover them with sediment and they will suffocate.
    · Akumal is a community-protected area and it is prohibited to fish with a spear gun.
    · Please do not buy, take from the sea or eat conch; it is a species in danger of extinction.
    · Be selective when you are ordering or buying fish.